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Experiencing Pain and Not Sure What to Do Next?

“I just wish I would have found them sooner from the start.”

— Monica N.

Back or Neck Pain After a Wreck?

You Could Be Hurt Worse Than You Think

If you’re dealing with soreness and pain in your neck or back after a car accident, your instinct might be to ride it out for a few days. It’ll get better with a little rest, right?

Not necessarily. Most of the time if you have pain that starts in a day or two after an accident, it’s going to get worse and worse and worse.

We’ve seen it again and again. A crash victim puts off going to the doctor for days or weeks, thinking it’s just a minor problem. When they finally go, it turns out they need surgery for a herniated disc, fractured vertebrae, or other serious injury.

One of the worst things you can do is just lay on the couch for a week.

Waiting is Often the Worst Thing You Can Do

When you’ve damaged your supporting tissues seriously enough, rest alone won’t make it better. You need treatment.

Laying on the couch for a week often makes the problem worse, not better. Lactic acid continues to build up. Inflammation and pain get worse. Injuries get bigger.

Whether your car accident happened yesterday, last week, or even longer ago, don’t put off medical evaluation and treatment any longer. Each day you wait will only prolong your pain—and only make it harder to get fair compensation from the insurance company.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Recovery

Lots of people feel nervous about working with an attorney. But the truth is that an experienced personal injury attorney can be one of your best resources and advocates for getting your life back on track.

Experienced attorneys look out for their clients’ interests. They can help you find the doctors and medical specialists you need to get better. They can gather the evidence you need to make a successful legal claim.

At Karl Truman Law Office, we’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. We’ve represented countless clients suffering from chronic back and neck pain, and are dealing with insurance companies that don’t believe their story. We’ve developed strong relationships with local physicians who help car accident victims on a daily basis and can get you the care you need. And we aren’t afraid to take tough cases to court in order to get a fair, just outcome for our clients.

If you aren’t sure where to turn next, give us a call. We want to help.

Request Your Free Consultation

Do you think you have a case? Come talk to us. The initial case review is free, there’s no obligation, and you won’t pay us anything unless we win for you.

You don’t have to do this alone. Contact the Colonel today for the objective, compassionate legal advice you deserve.

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Back and Neck Pain FAQs

Common car accident injuries include whiplash, herniated discs, ligament sprains, muscle strains, pinched nerves (including sciatica), and even compression fractures. Many of these injuries tend to get worse over time without treatment, and may require physical therapy, steroid injections, or surgery.

If you’re experiencing any uncomfortable neck or back symptoms, such as soreness, stiffness, dull aches, shocking or burning pain, see a doctor as soon as possible. If you delay treatment, the insurance company will argue that you aren’t really as hurt as you say you are.

Yes! If your injuries are crash-related, and the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to seek compensation. Damages you can claim include the cost of doctor’s visits and treatments, lost wages from missing work, and even non-economic damages like physical pain and suffering.

Studies repeatedly show that injury victims who work with a car accident attorney get much higher settlements on average. Claims involving back and neck pain are frequently complicated. Injury victims often struggle to prove to the insurance company that their injuries are both serious and caused by the crash, especially if they have pre-existing conditions. An experienced attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence, calculate the damages you deserve, and aggressively represent you in settlement negotiations or trial.