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Veterans Benefits

Do You Qualify For VA Disability Benefits?

November 11, 2019

For veterans sickened or injured as a result of their service, getting the VA disability benefits they are owed is really important. These benefits provide compensation, and sometimes health care, that makes it possible to continue to live your life with your injury or illness.

Veterans’ disability benefits are tax-free monthly benefits administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Benefits extend to physical and mental conditions. Once you’ve determined you’re eligible, you can begin the application process. The experienced attorneys at the Karl Truman Law Office are here to help. To learn more, please call us in Louisville at 502-222-2222.

VA Disability Benefits Eligibility

To sum it up, you likely qualify under the following conditions:

  • Veteran who served active duty in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Discharged for reasons other than dishonorable
  • Diagnosed injury or illness
  • Injury or illness occurred during active service
  • OR injury or illness was made worse by active service
  • OR a disability related to your active-duty service didn’t appear until after your service was complete

The specific conditions covered are wide-ranging. Some of the most common include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Lung conditions and lung disease
  • Breathing problems resulting from lung conditions and disease
  • Hearing loss
  • Cancer (which can be caused by chemicals and toxic substances encountered by soldiers)
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Chronic back pain
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Amputations
  • Fibromyalgia

A more comprehensive list is found at the VA’s disability benefits website.

The attorneys at the Karl Truman Law Office can determine if you qualify, if you haven’t gotten to that point in the process yet. Services we offer include preparing and filing your application with all of the required documentation.

On the point of documentation – it is an essential part of the process. Many claimants feel bogged down by the process of tracking down and submitting the right paperwork and documents. We can help with this, ensuring required documents are not omitted.

Attorney, Veteran, Advocate for You

Our law firm was founded and is led by Retired Lieutenant Colonel Karl Truman. Mr. Truman is grateful for the opportunity to help veterans secure the benefits they need and deserve. He understands the physical and mental ailments they live with, and how they impact their lives and their families’ lives. Because of his extensive work with these claims, he knows just how frustrating and backlogged the disability benefits process is. He has tips learned over the course of his career in law, to help you get your benefits as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Your Complimentary Consultation

The Karl Truman Law Office has locations in Louisville and Jeffersonville. We are proud to serve this region as well as clients who come to us from other parts of the country. The attorneys at our firm know that the disability application process can seem daunting. Even if you feel organized and prepared, it’s easy to make a mistake that leads to denial. To find out how we can help you with the process, please call us at 502-222-2222.